Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Time to Blog!

It's good to have friends. And luckily, I know a lot of people in a lot of places. Unfortunately, I'm HORRIBLE at keeping in touch with them. Time differences, hectic work schedules, etc. I could make excuses for days, but I'd really like to try to make an effort to keep in better touch with all the people I know. Hence, I've decided to blog.

Now, you may say that this is a very one-sided form of communication. I agree that it is, and that's partially why it took me so long to jump on the blog bandwagon. But this is where you come in. It would be great if you read and comment and I'll comment back or better yet, e-mail or call you! (This is something I am still telling myself I'm going to try to do more - but this time I mean it!) Regardless, I'm hoping it makes me better connected with everyone I love.

So, mostly this blog will be about daily happenings and things going on in my life. And quite possibly as I get more tech savvy, perhaps it will include links, videos, pictures, etc. Already, you can click on the picture slideshow to the right to visit my flickr page for recent pictures (although looking at them, they're not that recent) which I'll also hopefully keep updated on a more regular basis.

Quick primer update: Not much is new in terms of large scale things. I am still working as an academic coach at the Academy of Art University, still seeing massage clients three nights a week and on Saturdays and still being "the help" for the condo building I manage in exchange for rent. And of course, still dating Kurt. All in all, life is good and that's why I want to share it with you. I hope you'll follow this blog and help me keep in touch!


Justin said...

Welcome to the blogosphere. I'll put you on my RSS feed.

Jen said...

SO excited to be able to virtually hear from you more often!!! I fully support your new endeavor to blog! Your pix are beautiful - so good to 'see' you! Things here are good, still in NJ, working at Rutgers and loving it, starting law school in the fall part time, etc. etc...we should email! Love you and miss you!

Orie said...

So if I leave a comment you will call? lol... just kidding. Glad to hear things are going well and that you are keeping busy and out of trouble (or are you???)

XL said...

Hey Lee, it's Jon, nice to see you've started blogging. I've had mine up for a few months now. Feel free to stop by from time to time. The link is www.xlscrapper.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

More incentive for me to get blogging as well -- perhaps I'll get it together this summer! - Todd