Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Rocker

So, Wednesday night, my friend Seth drove up from Santa Clara. He had free passes to see a movie called "The Rocker" about a has been drummer in a heavy metal band who, 20 years later, joins his nephew's high school band. My rating: "C". It wasn't horribly unwatchable, but it wasn't very good either. It comes out officially in August. Seth said it best with his description "It was like a Saturday Night Live skit drawn out into an hour and a half". And it was. It had plenty of extraneous filler, some unneeded gross-out humor, and a lot of watching a sweaty Rainn Wilson of "The Office" fame drum with his mouth open. I would suggest waiting for DVD or multiple airings on TNT if you ever feel the need to watch it at all. It did have some funny parts though, my favorite being this quote from Howard Hesseman of "WKRP in Cincinnati" fame: "There are two things I don't trust in this world: Cell phones, since they give you brain cancer, and marionettes." It's really random, but I liked it.

Anyway, then Seth and I went to Mel's Diner and caught up one on one which we hadn't done in a long time. He's moving to Washington, D.C. in a month, and although it makes me sad, I think it's the right decision for him. Not that he needs my validation or the validation of anyone else for that matter!

And today was Summer Semester Orientation. Five hundred new students! I had to go to work at 7 AM, so I'm beat now. But I always love the first day, particularly since they are all students. It's fun to look at how they dress. Some of them think they have to look unique, or super put together, or not put together at all. We play "guess the major" based on what they wear, which is fun. But it is really exciting to see how pumped they are about starting a new pursuit. That's what keeps me working with students...there is always a lot of energy.

1 comment:

XL said...

Looks like Dwight should stick to cameo's like he had in Juno. Or small parts like in the Last Mimzie. I never saw my Super Ex Girlfriend but it is probably on the same level as this one. I watched the trailer and all I can say is wow. It's hard to go from Dwight Shrute to a rock star....